Saturday, October 8, 2011

Subordinate Service Selection Board (SSSB) Punjab Recruitment 2011 - Various Posts


Subordinate Service Selection Board (SSSB)
Punjab, India.

Punjab had always enjoyed a pre-eminent position in the field of Sports. To retain/improve the pristine glory and the pre-eminent position in realm of sports, an independent Department of Sports came into existence in the year 1975.

  1. Director Agriculture
  2. Dairy Development Department
  3. Chief Election Officer
  4. Sainik Welfare Department
  5. Director Horticulture
  6. Forest Department
  7. Treasury and Accounts Department
  8. Director and Warden, Fishery Department
  9. Controller Printing and Stationary Department
  10. Director Transport Department
  11. Social Security Department
  12. Drivers in various Departments
SSSB Contact Information is Forest Complex, Sector-68, Mohali.

Application Fees : Rs.600 (Rs.150 for SC/ST)

Last Date : 16.10.2011

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