Koraput Division, Hyderabad
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) India, Koraput requires online applications for Engineers, Medical Officer, Security and Fire Officers in Officer Category. Details of apply online guidelines, payment of fees, application format, eligibility criteria and other requirement information of HAL Koratpur Jobs notifications are mentioned in the advertisement.
Assistant Engineer (Mechanical /Production / Metallurgy / Electrical/ Electronics/ Civil/ Computer) (Gr-I): 36 Posts, Rs.12600-3%-32500, Qualifications: Graduates in any of the given Branches of Engineering from any recognized Institution / University with minimum of 60% marks in the aggregate. Age: 28 years
Assistant Medical Officer (Gr-I): 5 Posts, Rs.12600-3%-32500, Qualifications: MBBS degree from recognized institute. Age: 40 years
Security Officer (On contract) (Gr-II): 1 Post, Rs.16400-3%-40500, Qualifications: Lt. of Army/sub Lt. of Navy/Flying officer of Air Force with recognized university degree in any discipline. Age: 40 years
Fire Officer (Gr-II): 2 Posts, Rs.16400-3%-40500, Qualifications: BE (Fire Engineer) from National Fire Services College, Nagpur OR Pass in Associate Membership/ Membership Examination of Institute of Fire Engineering-UK. Age: 40 years
Senior Medical Officer (Anaesthesia) (GR-III): 1 Post, Rs.20600-3%-46500, Qualifications: MBBS with PG Degree/PG Diploma in Anaesthetics. Age: 45 years
Senior Medical Officer (Paediatrics) (Gr-III): 1 Post, Rs.20600-3%-46500, Qualifications: MBBS with PG Degree/PG Diploma in Paediatrics. Age: 45 years
Application Fee: Rs.400
Candidates may apply online through HAL website www.hal-india.com between 5.9.2011 to 24.9.2011. Candidates are required to send demand draft and copy of registration slip by ordinary post to the Post Box No. 304, General Post Office (GPO), Hyderabad-500001 before 1.10.2011.
Last Date: 24.09.2011
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